Update Pathways Sessions
Hi Everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
I’ll keep this short and sweet. We have added Pathways ice sessions so that each player can get in some skating before assessments. The schedule has been updated on our website, but here is the breakdown:
Date Tuesday September 12th, 2023
U13 – ALL PLAYERS including Goalies 7:00 PM
U15 – ALL PLAYERS including Goalies 8:00 PM
Date: Thursday September 14th, 2023
U13 – ALL PLAYERS including Goalies 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
U15 – ALL PLAYERS including Goalies 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Please ignore the Pathways Teams as they no longer apply.
Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, we are not able to offer the Goalie specific Pathways. We will make it up by offering Goalie Clinics throughout the year.
Goalies for the U11 and U18 groups, please join your respective group Pathways sessions.
I apologize for the last minute notice, but we are pleased to make this happen.
Assessments will still proceed as scheduled and please check our website for player groupings. These groupings will change as assessments go on.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact myself, or our Association President, Joey Abrams at president@russellwarriors.ca
Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all at the rink.
I appreciate everyone’s understanding and support throughout all of this.
Jon Gillard
VP House
RMHA – Home of the Russell Warriors & Castor Canucks