Clinics & Courses
Certification/Qualification Requirements:
Refer to the "Want to be a Volunteer? Requirements & Application" page for a breakdown of the requirements for each position. This information can also be found HEO Policy 6.25 here: HEO 6.25 Certification/Qualification Requirements
Please note:
Development 1 does not replace Coach 2 and Coach 2 does not supersede or replace Coach 1 and so on...make sure you are registering for the right course depending on the level you are coaching. If any doubts/questions, this Requirements Look-Up Tool can be used... all you have to do is select the appropriate selections from the drop downs and the requirements needed will be displayed, OR contact the RMHA registrar.
Respect in Sport-Activity Leader, and Gender Expression & Identity, are all mandatory and should be completed as soon as possible, ideally before any volunteer participation.
Bench staff qualifications (e.g. coach/trainer courses) must be completed prior to Nov 30th; however early registration for coaching courses is encouraged to ensure a spot.
All course fees will be reimbursed. Please submit your re-imbursement claim to the RMHA treasurer.
Respect in Sport- Activity Leader (RIS-AL): this course takes about 2.5hrs and costs $40. NOTE: the Respect in Sport-Parent is not the same and is not accepted.
- register for this course here.
Gender Expression & Identity: this course takes about 2hrs to complete and there is NO cost.
- register for this course here
Coaching Clinics- register for these courses here. Make sure to select Hockey Eastern Ontario with Russell MHA as the organization. Select "Coach" as the category. Note that HU-Online Coach1/Coach 2 is a pre-requisite for Coach 1 and Coach 2.
Trainer Level 1/Level 1 Refresher - register for these courses here.
Trainer Level 2- requires Standard First Aid with CPR Level C or Level 1 and being employed in certain careers (summarized here)