Extra! Extra! 

HEO will be offering its Timekeeper Clinic again this season. To make things easier for the people taking the clinic, we have decided to keep the clinic Virtual. Clinics to be held Live through Zoom

Here are the registration links for the 3 clinics:

Wednesday September 18th: https://page.spordle.com/heo/clinics/1ef6a0d7-6eb6-6b24-a11d-0243b7c607a7

Wednesday September 25th: https://page.spordle.com/heo/clinics/1ef6a0db-c9c8-60ea-bc39-06fb5330b96b

Wednesday October 9th: https://page.spordle.com/heo/clinics/1ef6a0dd-997a-6580-97f5-06fb5330b96b