Warrior Families the past two seasons have been filled with changes and adversity but it appears that things are getting back to normal. The annual AGM took place on May 25th, 2022 and the board saw some changes including the welcoming of new members, old members taking on new roles, and the “retiring” of other members.
I am pleased to introduce the RMHA executive for the 2022-2023 season. This information along with their contact information can be found on our webpage under the “About RMHA” tab.
- President: Joey Abrams
- VP House: Matt Dickie
- VP Competitive: Ken Hill
- Past President: Yves Roy
- Treasurer: JF Gagne
- Secretary: Darren Page
- Registrar: Amanda Nixon
- GHA Convenor: Tricia Zakaria
- Director Communications/Sponsorships: Angela Oickle
- Director Discipline, Risk & Safety: Josh Nixon
- Director U7 Program: Devon Kunkel
- Director Ice Scheduling: Christie Brock
- Director Equipment: Ray Clavette
- Director of Merchandise: Al Garneau
We are still looking to fill the following positions so please reach out if you would like to help out.
- Director of Special Events
- Director Webmaster
- U9-11 Convenor
- U18-21 Convenor
- Coach Mentor.
We would like to thank Past President Mike Johnson for his dedication to the RMHA. I’m sure that Mike will continue to have an active role within the rink.
We would also like to thank Webmaster Peggy Carkner for her long service with the RMHA. She is still helping out behind the scenes until we fill the Webmaster position.
COACHES FOR 2022-2023
The RMHA is also looking for head coaches for the upcoming 2022-2023 season. Please don’t wait until September, send your application to the VP of House Matt Dickie at vphouse@russellwarriors.ca. Application forms can be found under the tab “The Bench- The Coach” on the RMHA website.
Registration for the 2022-2023 minor hockey season will be opening soon. As soon as registration is live we will post it on our Website and Facebook page.
The RMHA relies on its generous donors to make minor hockey in Russell successful. We are hoping for continued support from the community to make the 2022-2023 season amazing. If you are interested in continuing to support the RMHA or you would like to be a new sponsor please contact the Director of Communication and Sponsorship- Angela Oickle at sponsorship@russellwarriors.ca .
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all past sponsors:
- Bankley’s Plumbing
- MVP Photography
- Pronto Replay
- Desjardins Caisse Populaire Nouvel-Horizon
- Griffith Cartage Ltd
- Kin Club of Russell
- Krista Construction Ltd
- Legion
- Russell Foodland
- Russell Home Hardware
- Russell IDA
- Lions Club of Russell
- Russell Pro
- McDonald’s
- Scotiabank
- Maureen Grady RE/MAX Absolute Realty Inc.
- Tim Horton’s