2022/2023 Hockey Season – President’s Letter
Dear Members,
On behalf of the RMHA, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you all back to Russell Warriors hockey! We look forward to a full season free of the restrictions we’ve all had to deal with over the last 2 seasons. Registration has been very good with our numbers back to pre-COVID levels and in some instances even superior. The season is well underway with competitive try-outs being completed in the next couple of weeks and our house league sort outs starting this week.
As we navigate through the season, please make sure you follow our Russell Warriors Facebook site and check our website regularly for updates and news about our programs. Our schedules will be posted weekly, and your team will update that information into your Teamsnap account for your respective teams.
Organizing a hockey program is a tremendous amount of work and we could not begin to complete the task without the help of our volunteers. If you have thought about or have any interest in volunteering for the RMHA please don’t hesitate to reach out to any board member or myself directly to answer any questions you may have. We are currently looking to fill out vacancies we have on our Board of Directors. The commitment of time varies for the position and it’s a rewarding experience to be involved in developing and maintaining hockey programs for our children. Check out our website to see the vacant positions.
With our house league sort-outs beginning we are also looking for evaluators and on-ice coaches to assist our Vice President; House League at all levels from U9 to U18. Go to www.RussellWarriors.ca to access the volunteer sign up sheet. If you’re a student with hockey experience looking for volunteer hours, signing up as an evaluator is a great way to pick up some hours.
We look forward to having a great season and look forward to seeing you at the rink!
Joey Abrams
RMHA President